Our annual summer program offers a full student leadership experience to Drum Majors, Section Leaders, Band Officers, Color Guard Members, Marching Percussion Students, and anyone else responsible for supporting the band in a student leadership position. All students attending the conference will receive quality instruction and the tools necessary to better serve their programs and directors. Band directors from over 40 high schools have already discovered the benefits of the ARIZONA LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE. We hope that you will seriously consider this unique opportunity.
The Arizona Student Leadership Conference focuses on:
- Personal Development
- Leadership Skills
- Conducting Skills
- Rehearsal Techniques
- Group Dynamics
- Communication Techniques
- Percussion Techniques
- Contemporary Color Guard Techniques
The Arizona Student Leadership Conference accomplishes these skills and techniques through the following workshops:
- Drum Major Workshop
- Student Leader Workshop
- Marching Percussion Workshop
- Color Guard Workshop
Days and Times (scheduling details subject to change):
Day 1: 1:00pm-5:00pm
12:45am – Student Check –In
1:00pm – Conference Sessions Begin
5:00pm – Conference Sessions End for the Day
Day 2: 9:00am-5:00pm
9:00am – Conference Sessions Begin
12:00noon – Lunch Break
1:00pm – Conference Sessions Resume
5:00pm – Conference Ends
A more detailed itinerary of sessions will be mailed upon receipt of registration materials.
This entire camp costs just $35.
Director’s Phone: (602) 405-7736 mobile
E-mail Address: bill@billhumbert.org
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