“I am very particular in terms of whom I will allow in front of my kids and you most certainly are at the top of my list! Your standards and expectations fall directly in line with mine and that is one reason why I think we work so well together. The full group leadership activity that you conducted is still the talk of the parents. I was also impressed with your complete willingness to jump in and help in anyway that you could from running sectionals, overseeing drill basics, fixing drill problems and conducting large group motivational activities.”
George Hattendorff
Band Director – Mountain Ridge High School
“I just wanted to thank you again for coming out and working with the kids. I had no idea how much they needed it until we got into it. It was very productive. We are putting many of the ideas that we decided on into action now. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you again. I think the kids really learned a lot from it and it has certainly helped get our program going in the right direction. Thanks again so much for a great clinic.”
Jennifer Hamilton
Band Director – Coconino High School
“I can tell you that before your workshop, we all had different ideas of how to do things. Now we understand what it takes to be better and stick all of our ideas together and work as a team. You promised us big things, and you delivered even bigger. Thank You.”
Jenny Wempen
Student – Independence High School
“I can’t thank you enough for the information and confidence that you gave me. Your workshop brought out a want in me to become a better person, and I believe that because of what you said and taught me, I am.”
Tiffany Walas
Student – Shadow Mountain High School
“I just wanted to tell how much your conference affected my look on leadership This weekend is where everything changed. On Thursday, it seemed like I was going to be taught again what you have normally given to my band, but on Friday and Saturday, my mind was about to explode with all the new information you had given to us. It had given me a new outlook on how to lead my band, and I thank you for that, because now I have something new to try, and learn from, and “spice things up” and that is exactly what I had been hoping for.”
Dan Schweichler
Student – Mountain View High School